Your roof can become a source of income. After studying the structure of the building, its waterproofing and analysing your electricity network, Skysun works with you to develop a photovoltaic power station that is perfectly adapted to your consumption profile. All the electricity produced is distributed to you for a fraction of the prices charged on the public distribution grid.
You can expect to make savings on your consumption, without any management or investment whatsoever on your part.
We also do
Roof renovation
Renovating the roofs of your building is an important and unavoidable expense after a few decades of exposure to the weather. In addition to installing photovoltaic panels, Skysun can manage and finance the renovation of your building’s waterproofing membrane for you. This is reflected in our rates over the duration of the project. More concretely, installing photovoltaic panels allows you to pay for your new roof in the long term.
Roof rental
You have got large surfaces but low consumption: The roof of your warehouse can still be interesting and generate several thousand euros of rent per year. We offer to pay you an annual rent for the use of your roof, where we place a photovoltaic system whose production supplies the grid.
A comprehensive insurance policy for your roof is included in our offer.
Negotiation of grid supply prices
Negotiating good rates with your supplier is also a very powerful way to reduce your bill. Skysun’s energy traders look into this at your request to give an opinion on the quality of the price and conditions offered to you. The devil is in the details, and an electricity bill can reveal many surprises on closer inspection.